Giving to History
Support from our alumni and friends helps ensure our continued leadership in historical research and in helping our students cultivate a crucial set of skills that not only help navigate the past, but the present as well. You can help students reach their dreams of graduation so that they can become successful teachers, professors, lawyers, governmental employees, advocates for non-profits, bankers, marketing and sales professionals, or many other careers for which a history degree prepares them.

Your gift matters.
Your thoughtfulness can help foster the next generation of scholars through courses, academic events, and research opportunities. Your gift can fund opportunities for our students to conduct research, study languages, and pursue internships across the globe, and support innovative faculty research and scholarship.
Make a gift
Your donation will support our general operations, or may be designated to support your choice of specific projects.
Credit Card
To donate via credit card, please click HERE and follow these instructions:
- Under Gift Amount and Designations, enter the amount you wish to give and then select One or more colleges, schools or units.
- Scroll to bottom and select Other Area Not Listed and then Continue.
- In the box to the right of Other Designation Not Listed type in History Foundation Discretionary Fund #448291 and complete the form.
Please enclose this form with your check made payable to “UNC Charlotte Foundation” and mark Department of History Discretionary Fund on the Memo line. Please mail to:
UNC Charlotte
Office of University Development
9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28223
Matching gifts
If you or your spouse/partner work for a company that matches your charitable gifts, you may be able to increase the size of your donation through a matching gift. Search our online database to see if your organization participates.
Gifts made to create an endowed fund are invested for perpetuity. A portion of the earned income is then used to support the fund’s purpose. Any excess earnings are reinvested, allowing the fund to grow. Endowments may be created for student scholarships and fellowships, faculty chairs and professorships, or many other purposes.
Planned Giving
Planned gifts include gifts of marketable securities such as stocks and bonds; estate gifts through a bequest in a will or through a trust; charitable gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts that provide a lifetime income stream to the donor; and other gifts of real estate or tax-deferred retirement assets. For more information, please go to