
Welcome to the history major! If you have questions, click here to contact our Professional Advisor or our Director of Undergraduate Studies. You can make an appointment to discuss your standing in the history major, general education, teaching licensure requirements, or any other History programs.

Prospective Majors and Minors

If you are ready to declare the History Major or Minor, please go to

Current Majors

I. Appointments with assigned history advisors prior to semester registration periods:

To make an advising appointment with the History Professional Advisor, Ms. Heaven Rogers, go to Connect via We will be advising remotely via Zoom and in person throughout the academic year. Before your meeting, please go to to view:

  • DegreeWorks: to view your requirements and completed coursework
  • Banner’s “Course Summary Search”: to decide what courses interest you

After your appointment, your advisor will arrange to have any advising holds lifted so that you can register for courses. Please notify your advisor immediately if an advising hold has not been lifted or you cannot register for courses. For technical difficulties contact ITS (704-687-5500).

II. Completing the History Major

Click here for the History Undergraduate Handbook

Following the below guidelines will help you create a good schedule that helps you to graduate on time

  1. Balance your courses: Generally, you want to take two history courses per semester, two general education courses, and one minor, or general education, or double major courses. Transfer students, who have already earned credit hours from another institution, may have to adjust the previous recommendation. You will shift to more minor/dual major courses once you run out of general education courses. Licensure majors must take MDSK 2100 before they reach 30 earned hours.
  2. It is best practice to complete your general education requirements as soon as possible since these courses are meant to prepare you for the more advanced courses in the upper division (i.e., 3000 and 4000 level courses). Remember, you need to take 15 credits per semester, if possible, in order to graduate on time. First Time in College Students should take HIST 3600 in their second semester sophomore or first semester junior year. Transfer students should take HIST 3600 after taking at least one semester of HIST 2000 level courses.
  3. While the History Major is only 30 credits, you will need to earn 120 credits for your Bachelors Degree. For this reason, you should be thinking about minors or even a dual major that interests you or pairs well with history.  Consider a dual major or one or two minors early on.

When planning your coursework, keep the following in mind:

  1. You may not take two history methods courses (3600, 4000/1/2/3/4, 4600) in the same semester, and these courses have to be taken in sequential order.
  2. Many History Majors take MATH 1102 or 1105 to satisfy the Math and Logical Reasoning requirement in the General Education curriculum. Other courses that fulfill the Mathematical and Logical Reasoning requirement are STAT 12XX, ITCS 1101, and PHIL 2105.
  3. You may take the cross-listed section of a history course for history credit if the history section is full.
  4. Students interested in History with Licensure can apply to the Cato College of Education upon reaching 30 earned credits and passing the Praxis Core Test and MDSK 2100.  Licensure majors should seek advice from the COED TEAL office ( for further details about the Secondary Education Minor.
  5. If you plan to study abroad, you should carefully plan your methods courses (HIST 3600, 4000, and 4600) and generally plan ahead to ensure that all History Major requirements are satisfied on time.
  6. Consider summer school to catch up on credit hours or to get ahead of your time to graduation.
  7. Be sure to check your UNC Charlotte email account regularly for emails from the department and from the director of undergraduate studies.

III. Sample Course of Study
This chart offers an example of how to complete your major in a timely fashion.

Early Declarers (entering freshmen-Sophomores)
No transfer credit; may have AP credit
Semester Regular History Track Licensure Track Milestones to be Completed
1 Two history courses:

  • HIST 1502 or HIST 1575
  • HIST 2000 level elective
  • HIST 1502 or HIST 1575
  • HIST 2050
  • POLS 1511
2 Two history courses:

  • HIST 1502 or HIST 1575
  • HIST 2000 level elective
  • HIST 1502 or HIST 1575
  • HIST 2051
  • POLS 1501
  • MDSK 2100
  • HIST 1502
  • HIST 1575
  • HIST 2050
  • HIST 2051
  • MDSK 2100 (if Licensure)
3 One history course:

  • HIST 3600 or 2000 level non-western elective
  • HIST 2000 or 3000 level elective
  • ECON 1101
  • Declare SECD Minor (if
4 One history course (not taken in Sem. 3)

  • HIST 3600 or 2000 level non-western elective
  • HIST 3600
  • GEOG 1501
  • HIST 3600
5 One history course:

  • HIST 3000 level elective
  • HIST 3000 level non-western elective
  • HIST 3000 level non-western elective (or HIST 4797 if Honors)
  • MDSK 3100
6 One history course:

  • HIST 3000 non-western level elective
  • HIST 4000/1/2/3/4 (or HIST 4799 if Honors)
  • 9 hours SECD
  • One (of two) Non-Western History
7 One history course:

  • HIST 4000 1/2/3/4 (4797 Honors)
  • HIST 4600 (of HIST 3000 level elective if Honors)
  • 6 hours SECD
  • HIST 4000 level
8 One history course:

  • HIST 4600 (4799 Honors)
  • Student teaching
  • HIST 4600 (4799 if Honors)
Late Declarers (juniors, transfer students, and AA diploma)
Have taken survey courses or two history electives; and if applicable one licensure requirement
Semester Regular History Track Licensure Track Milestones to be Completed
  • HIST 1502
  • HIST 1575
  • HIST 1502 or HIST 1575
  • HIST 2050
  • HIST 3000 level non-western elective
  • MDSK 2100
  • HIST 3600
  • HIST 200X level elective
  • HIST 200X non-western elective
  • HIST 1502 or HIST 1575
  • HIST 3600
  • HIST 2051
  • POLS 1511
  • ECON 1101
  • HIST 1502
  • HIST 1575
  • HIST 2050
  • HIST 200X level elective
  • HIST 3000 level elective
  • HIST 300X level non-western elective
  • HIST 4000/1/2/3/4
  • GEOG 1101
  • 9 hours SECD
  • HIST 2051
  • HIST 3600
  • One (of two) Non-Western History
  • HIST 4000/1/2/3/4 (4797 Honors)
  • HIST 3000 non-western level elective
  • HIST 4600
  • HIST 3000 elective
  • POLS 1501
  • 9 hours SECD
  • HIST 4000 level
  • HIST 4600 (4799 Honors)
  • Student teaching